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Fuel Sender (Heavy Duty Adjustable), P/N 100438

Ohms: 240-33.5, Tank Depth: 6-24″,

Contact maximatecc about P/N #100438


P/N: 100438
Type: Fuel Sender
Type Description: Heavy Duty, Adjustable
Scale: #N/A
Diameter, in: #N/A
Bezel/Finish: #N/A
Ohms: #N/A
Volt/Watt/Current: #N/A
Product Family: #N/A
Notes: Adjustable fuel sender flange positions are shown below. Positions 2 & 4 are for left & right configuration; 1 & 3 are for up & down. Fixed arm senders may be available for a custom solution. For other options, consult with your maximatecc salesperson.
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